

Petabit Highly Agile Robust Optical System (PHAROS) [2008-2009]

The PHAROS (Petabit Highly-Agile Robust Optical System) project funded under the DARPA’s CORONET program provided an architecture, protocols and algorithms for traffic engineering, resource management and signaling solutions for highly-agile, large-capacity core optical networks.  PHAROS main goals were rapid configuration (less than 2 seconds), guaranteed data flow protection to up to 3 simultaneous failures, high stability (including graceful degradation under excessive load), and high degree of security/fault-tolerance in a multi-technology, multi-vendor, and multi-domain environment. Key to achieving these goals was PHAROS creation of abstract representations for all levels of the network. The representations extend down to an abstract network model of the essential contention structure of a node, and extend upward to address successive (virtual) levels of functionality across the entire network. Thanks to these multilevel topology abstractions PHAROS was able to achieve global multi-dimensional optimization over the fundamental dimensions of network management: network extent, technology levels, route protection, and timescales. Abstraction allows a given request to be optimized across the network, simultaneously trading off costs of resources within individual network levels as well as the costs of transit between levels (such as the optical-electrical boundary). Resources of all levels can be considered, including wavelengths, timeslots, grooming ports, and IP capacity. With this uniform approach, common to all levels of resource representation and allocation, PHAROS accurately exploits the capabilities of all network elements, while remaining independent of the switching technology or vendor particularities. Another key enabler was PHAROS unitary approach that combines the best features of centralized and distributed approaches. Long term planning and coordination of resource usage (i.e., “Decision”) were undertaken by a central entity (the Cross-layer Resource Allocator, or CRA), while the actual switching elements’ configuration and quick reaction to failures (“action”) were undertaken by a distributed network of control elements, following the central entity guidelines (“playbooks”). PHAROS “centralized decision” guaranteed stability and predictable dynamics, while PHAROS “distributed action” achieved quick response to failures.

I was a key architect, and the lead of the CRA team.


International Technology Alliance (ITA)  [2007-2009]

A US ARL- and UK MoD- led consortium of government, academy, and industry to perform joint research in network centric systems. My research focused on the capacity limits/laws for an ad hoc network of (secondary) cognitive radios in the presence of primary radios under Dynamic Spectrum Access rules.



Collaborative Technology Alliance Program (ARL/CTA) [2007-2009]

BBN participated in the Communications and Networking (C&N) consortium of the Army Research Lab (ARL) CTA program which has 5 different consortia: Advanced Sensors, Power & Energy, Advanced Decision Architectures, Communications & Networks, and Robotics. My research focused in the analysis of the impact of Multi-user Detection (MUD)–capabilities in the performance of CSMA MACs and the design of a simple yet efficient MUD-aware MAC.



PIRANA (WAND: WNaN adaptive network development) [2008]

The goal of this DARPA project is to build a large-scale  MANET with very inexpensive nodes (by military standards), with up to four transceivers, each of which is highly frequency agile, and has a spectrum detector and simple MIMO capability. PIRANA will support multi-radio, multichannel dynamic spectrum access, unicast and multicast traditional and disruption tolerant routing and content based access. My research focused on HSLS extensions to scale up to one million nodes.



Stochastic Optimal Control Algorithms and Next Generation Technologies for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Mobile Communications Networks [2005-2006]

As a subcontractor to Scientific Systems Company, Inc. (SSCI), BBN helped develop an integrated routing and scheduling protocol for data transport in an opportunistic mobile wireless network using stochastic control. We considered a very general mobile network communication problem in which nodes have data to be transported to other nodes using randomly varying channels subject to interference and dynamic frequency availability constraints. The problem was formulated as a stochastic model predictive control (MPC) problem in which a cost function of queue length is minimized. The underlying computational problem is equivalent to a mixed integer linear program where the integer variables arise from interference constraints. A linear programming relaxation was implemented for the problem. The control policy was evaluated using BBN's NeXt Generation (XG) communication network simulation. The XG-simulation was a highly realistic OPNET simulation developed originally under the DARPA XG program by BBN and modified to include multi-hopping and to interface with MATLAB for controller computations. The results showed that the developed system outperforms existing techniques under all scenarios under consideration while providing stability guarantees. The results suggest that improvements on the order of 100% are possible when the traffic pattern consists of a single high speed flow.

This project was supported by the Army Research Office (ARO), and I was the PI for the BBN effort.



ADROIT (Adaptive Dynamic Open Source Intelligent Team) [2006]

The goal of this project was to accelerate the use of software radios for wireless network research. As any frustrated  (mobile ad hoc) wireless network researcher can tell you, the lack of flexibility in radio firmware severely limits experimentation with MAC layer protocols. You have to live with what is in the radio (typically 802.11 for most researchers). ADROIT attempted to change that by significantly enhancing the open source GNU Radio software to send/receive packets, control parameters and many basic radio functions, except in software. The ADROIT system consists of the GNU USRP hardware, RX and TX chain software, a MAC framework for easy development of MAC protocols which is currently instantiated to a simple baseline, subnet layer routing based on Hazy Sighted Link State routing, and the standard IP stack above it. Unfortunately, this project did not run to its eventual completion for a number of reasons unrelated to the project itself. However, some groups have picked up whatever BBN did and are extending it. ADROIT was funded by DARPA IPTO and included BBN (prime), Kansas U., MIT, UCLA, and Eric Blossom as team members.


Medium Access Control for XG Communications (XMAC & XAP) [2003-2004]

DARPA ATO research project. Developing an architecture and protocol set for XG (Dynamic Spectrum Access) communication.



Joint Tactical Radio System, Ground Mobile radios (JTRS GMR, formerly Cluster 1) [2002–2003]

Conducted a trade study of existing routing protocols to determine their suitability for JTRS’s Wide Band Networking Waveform (WNW), particularly the need to scale to 1600+ nodes. Since no existing routing protocols was able to satisfy all WNW constraint, a new one (MALSR) had to be designed. Besides being the co-inventor of MALSR – and analytically proving its scalability to 1600+ nodes -- I was also a co-author of the scalable multicast mesh algorithm used for sparse mode multicast traffic.


Utilizing Directional Antennas for Ad Hoc Networks (UDAAN) [2001-2002]

DARPA ATO research project. Developed and implemented novel technologies to support and exploit beamforming antennas in ad hoc networks, including the first MAC protocol for beamforming antennas.



Density- and Asymmetry-adaptive Wireless Network (DAWN) [1999-2000]

DARPA ATO research project.  Invented, analyzed, and implemented HSLS, the first ad hoc routing protocol that scale with network size. HSLS is an easy-to-implement link state variant that does not require complex hierarchies.