Book chapters:


·      K. Rauschenbach and C. Santivanez, “Convergence of IP and Optical Networking,” in Optical Fiber Telecommunications Volume VIB, Systems and Networks, ed. I. P. Kaminow, T. Li, and A. E. Willner. Academic Press/Elsevier Publishers. May 2013. Draft copy: Text, Figures.


·      Baldine, A. W. Jackson, J. Jacob, W. E. Leland, J. H. Lowry, W. C. Milliken, P. P. Pal, R.  Ramanathan, K. Rauschenbach, C. A. Santivanez, and D. M. Wood, “PHAROS: An architecture for next-generation core optical networks,” in Next-Generation Internet: Architectures and Protocols, ed. B. Ramamurthy, G. Rouskas, and K. M. Sivalingam. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011.


·      C. Santivanez, and S. Ramanathan, “Scalability of Routing in Ad Hoc Networks: Principles and Practice”, in Ad Hoc Wireless Networking, X. Cheng, X. Huang, and D.-Z. Du (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dec. 2003.



Journal papers:


·      G. Troxel et. Al., “Enabling open-source cognitively-controlled collaboration among software-defined radio nodes,” Computer Networks, Vol. 52 (2008), No. 4, pp. 898–911, March 2008.


·      R. Ramanathan, J. Redi, C. Santivanez, D. Wiggins, S. Polit, “Ad Hoc Networking with Directional Antennas: A Complete System Solution",  IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 496-506, March 2005.


·      C. Santivanez and I. Stavrakakis. "Study of various TDMA Schemes for Wireless Networks in the Presence of Deadlines and Overhead". IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 17, No. 7, July 1999.



Conference papers:









·      R. Ramanathan, R. Allan, P. Basu, J. Feinberg, G. Jakllari, V. Kawadia , S. Loos, J. Redi, C. Santivanez, J. Freebersyser, “Scalability of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Theory vs Practice,” In Proceedings of MILCOM’2010, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2010.


·      J. Chen, C. Santivanez, and K. Rauschenbach, “Dynamic O-O-O Switching in Large Scale Core Optical Networks,” In Proceedings of Photonics in Switching (PS) Conference, Monterey, CA, July 2010.


·      J. Chen, J. Jacob, C Santivanez, J. Ho, K. Rauschenbach, and D. Wood,  En Route to Grouping-Constraint Free, Colorless Directionless ROADMs,” In Proceedings of OFC/NFOEC’10, San Diego, March 2010.


·      K. Rauschenbach, R. Hain, A. Jackson, J. Jacob, W. Leland, J. Lowry, W. Miliken, P. Pal, R. Ramanathan, C. Santivanez, I. Baldine, S. Huang, and D. Wood, "Improved Capacity Utilization via Agile Wavelength Provisioning and Protection Sharing in Global Core Optical Networks," In Proceedings of International Conference on Photonics in Switching, THII 2-5, 2009.


·      K. Rauschenbach, R. Hain, A. Jackson, J. Jacob, W. Leland, J. Lowry, W. Miliken, P. Pal, R. Ramanathan, C. Santivanez, I. Baldine, S. Huang, and D. Wood “Dynamic Provisioning System for Bandwith-Scalable Core Optical Networks,” In Proceedings of the Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Boston, MA, October 2009.


·      C. Santivanez, “Transport Capacity of Opportunistic Spectrum Access (OSA) MANETs (Invited Paper),” In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM 2007), Orlando, FL, Aug. 2007.


·      Alden Jackson, Walter Milliken, Cesar Santivanez, Matthew Condell, and W. Timothy Strayer, “A Topological Analysis of Monitor Placement,” In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA07), Cambridge, MA, July 2007.


·      G. Troxel et. al., “Adaptive dynamic radio open-source intelligent team (ADROIT): cognitively-controlled collaboration among SDR nodes (invited paper),” In Proceedings of the First IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for Software Defined Radio (SDR) Networks,  Reston, VA, 2006.


·      C. Santivanez, R. Ramanathan, C. Partridge, R. Krishnan, M. Condell, and S. Polit, “Opportunistic Spectrum Access: Challenges, Architecture, Protocols,” In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), Boston, MA, August 2006.


·      R. K. Prasanth, J. B. D. Cabrera, C. Santivanez, and R. Ramanathan, “A Cross-Layer Design Approach to Opportunistic Resource Allocation in Mobile Wireless Networks,” In Proceedings of 11th U.S. Army Conference On Applied Statistics (ACAS’05), Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, October 2005.


·      C. Santivanez and I. Stavrakakis, “Towards Adaptable Ad Hoc Networks: the Routing Experience”, In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2004), Berlin, Germany, October 2004.


·      R. Ramanathan, J. Redi, C. Santivanez, D. Wiggins, S. Polit, “Ad Hoc Networking with Directional Antennas: A Complete System Solution”, In Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2004, Atlanta, GA, March 2004.


·      C. Santivanez & J. Redi. “On the Use of Directional Antennas for Sensor Networks”, In Proc. of MILCOM’03, Boston, MA, October 2003.


·      C. Santivanez, and B. McDonald, “Progressive Scaling: A Methodology for Efficient Validation and Parameter Tuning of Large Ad Hoc Network Simulations”, In Proceedings of CNDS’03, Orlando, FL, January 2003.


·      C. Santivanez, B. McDonald, I. Stavrakakis, and S. Ramanathan, “On the Scalability of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols,” In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2002, New York, NY, 2002.


·      C. Santivanez, S. Ramanathan, and I. Stavrakakis, “Making Link-State Routing Scale for Ad Hoc Networks,” In Proceedings of IEEE MOBIHOC 2001, Long Beach, CA, 2001.


·      C. Santivanez, and I. Stavrakakis, “A Framework for a Multi-mode Routing Protocol for (MANET) Networks,” In Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference WCNC’99, New Orleans, LO, September 1999.


·      C. Santivanez, and I. Stavrakakis, “Achievable Dropping Rates under Variable Frame TDMA schemes in the Presence of Deadlines and Overhead,” In Proceedings of Fifth International workshop in Mobile Multimedia Communications MoMuC’98, Berlin, Germany, October 1998.




Technical Reports:


·      C. Santivanez et al, “XOSA: Exploiting Opportunistic Spectrum Access for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,BBN Technical Report No. 8410, Dec. 2004.


·      C. Santivanez and R. Ramanathan, “Hazy Sighted Link State (HSLS) Routing: A Scalable Link State Algorithm,” BBN Technical Memorandum BBN-TM-1301, August 31, 2001.


·      C. Santivanez, “Asymptotic Behavior of Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Protocols with Respect to Traffic, Mobility, and Size,” Center for Communications and Digital Signal Processing’s Technical Report TR-CDSP-00-52, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Oct. 2000.


·      C. Santivanez and I. Stavrakakis, “SOAP: A Self-Organizing, Adaptive Protocol for routing in large, highly mobile ad-hoc networks,” Center for Communications and Digital Signal Processing’s Technical Report TR-CDSP-99-50, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, June 1999.




Ph. D. Thesis:


·      C. Santivanez, “A Framework for Multi-Mode Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Scalability and Dynamic Adaptation to Varying Network Size, Traffic, and Mobility Patterns,” Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Nov. 2001.