
Cesar A. Santivanez

Network Scientist
Internetwork Research Dept.
BBN Technologies
10 Moulton Street
Cambridge, MA-02138, USA

Phone : +1-617-873-8238
Fax : +1-617-873-6091
Email : cesar.santivanez@ieee.org
Web : http://www.ir.bbn.com/


[Short Bio] [Resume] [Projects] [Publications] [Patents] [Professional Activities] [Awards] [Others] [Grupo GIRA] [Tesis PUCP 2015] [Tesis PUCP 2014]  

Short Biography


I am a Network Scientist in the Network Research Group at BBN Technologies in Cambridge, MA., where for the past 10 years I’ve been conducting cutting edge research in the general field of scalable and efficient resource allocation architectures and algorithms for dynamic, reconfigurable networks. I enjoy being engaged in all aspects of the research cycle, taking an idea from conception to a working system, including: developing the fundamental supporting theory, designing efficient yet scalable and easy-to-implement algorithms, performance evaluation, prototype implementation, and experimentation. I received B.Sc. and Eng. degrees from La Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (1993 and 1994, respectively), and M.Sc. and Ph. D. degrees from Northeastern University, Boston, MA (1998 and 2001, respectively). All degrees are in Electrical Engineering.


During my Ph. D. years at Northeastern University, and in collaboration with Dr. Ram Ramanathan, I developed the theory of MANET routing scalability. I then used this theory to derive Hazy Sighted Link State (HSLS) routing, the first MANET routing protocol that is proven to scale with respect to network size. HSLS – with subsequent extensions to address particular environments, as for example the use of directional antennas (UDAAN), stringent energy constraints (JAVeLEN), availability of multiple radios/channel (PIRANA) -- has become the basis for the routing protocols developed at BBN to target large networks and highly dynamic environments. Due to its proven performance guarantees and ease of implementation, it is not surprising that HSLS is also the basis for the subnet routing protocol for the U.S. military’s main two efforts in large scale ad hoc routing: the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Wideband Network Waveform (WNW) and DARPA’s Wireless Network after Next (WNaN) program. In the broader community, HSLS has been adopted by several community mesh wireless initiatives. Thanks to CuWins open source implementation, there are HSLS instances running in all over the world (e.g. USA, Peru and Ghana). In Europe, HSLS has been adopted and extended by the MobileMAN project.

In the following years, I have been involved in the design, analysis, and implementation of several routing and Medium Access Control (MAC) algorithms exploiting new capabilities such as directional antennas (UDAAN), opportunistic spectrum access (XG, SOSA), and Multi-User Detection (MUDMAC).

More recently, as a key architect for the PHAROS project, I have focused on the design of architecture and algorithms for highly efficient resource assignment for reconfigurable optical networks. The Petabit Highly Agile Robust Optical System (PHAROS) project, part of DARPA's CORONET program, is aimed at providing global high-capacity fiber-optic core services with unprecedented speed, agility, and survivability. I was responsible for the design of the agile, technology-agnostic, and highly efficient cross-layer resource allocator (CRA) module that reconfigures the network resources (IP routers, OTN switches, ROADMs, etc.) to efficiently satisfy diverse demands with different QoS, call setup, and protection requirements as well as diverse timescales and blocking probability targets. The CRA is responsible – among other things -- for working path selection, share protection computation, resource assignment and equipment configuration. It uses multilevel topology abstractions (TA) in order to achieve global multi-dimensional optimization over the fundamental dimensions of network management: network extent, technology levels, route protection, and timescales. TAs allow a given request to be optimized across the network, simultaneously trading off costs of resources within individual network levels as well as the costs of transit between levels (such as the optical-electrical boundary). Resources of all levels can be considered, including wavelengths, timeslots, grooming ports, and IP capacity. With this uniform approach, common to all levels of resource representation and allocation, PHAROS accurately exploits the capabilities of all network elements, while remaining independent of the switching technology or vendor particularities.

In a past life I’ve been a Fulbright Scholar (1996 – 1998), received the best student paper award at MoMuc'98 Berlin, Germany (1998), and won a silver medal at the IV Iberoamerican Mathematics Olympics in 1989. I am a senior member of the IEEE, and a member of the Phi Kappa Phi interdisciplinary honors society, and the Phi Beta Delta international scholar’s society.


A list of my past and present projects at BBN, publications, and other information can be found following the links above. A copy of my resume can be found here.